The Liberals– for freedom, schools and integration.
Liberalism means freedom. It concerns the freedom to live your life on your own terms. You should not be limited by your gender, where you come from or your sexual orientation. It concerns everything from bodily integrity and safety to cutting taxes so that you have more freedom to do what you want with your own money. We will always defend freedom and freedom of expression, the right to a decent education and a strong rule of law that guarantees security in society. This is freedom, this is The Liberals.
” Where you come from or where you live should not determine how good your school is, if you feel safe in your everyday life of if you can get a job. Everyone should have the opportunity to decide over their own life and be able to work hard to fulfil their dreams.”
A liberal government
For eight years, the Social Democratic government has failed with education and integration. Sweden needs a non-Socialist government with a strong liberal party that has the solutions to problems in schools and to end exclusion. The Liberals want to form a government with the Moderate Party and the Christian Democrats. We are prepared to talk to all parties in the Riksdag to implement our policies.
Education and integration
Education is a freedom issue. The future awaiting Sweden tomorrow is in our classrooms today. That’s why The Liberals put schools first. The Liberals are also Sweden’s integration party. The Social Democratic integration policy has led to half a million people living in deprived areas where there are fewer life chances. We have a plan to ensure that Sweden will have no deprived areas. For this to become reality, a greater focus is needed on knowledge in schools, order and discipline in lessons, language courses for new arrivals, lower taxes for people in work, more jobs and a new government after the election in the autumn.

Johan Pehrson
The name of the The Liberals’ party leader is Johan Pehrson and he comes from Örebro. Johan is 54 years old, father of four children, a businessman and a lawyer. Johan is a politician because he loves Sweden and believes in change.
Education policy with high ambitions
The Liberals is the party that puts schools first. All classrooms must be orderly and disciplined. All
pupils should have proper textbooks in all subjects. It is important that parents and pupils can select school themselves. There should be independent schools in Sweden, but the quality of the teaching is more important than the value of the shares in the companies that run them.
A school with the focus on knowledge
Learning outcomes in school need to be raised. Help for pupils who need it should be provided early and grading requirements should be clear. The pupils who find school easy should also be challenged to learn more. Our goal is for Swedish schools to be among the absolute best in the world.
More time in the classroom
We need more teacher-led lessons and more teaching hours. Pupils who find school difficult should have more lesson time and those who find school easy should be challenged more. Those who risk leaving school without qualifications should attend school during holidays.
Increased order to enable peaceful working conditions
Today schools are much too disorderly and unsafe. Schools need rules of conduct and clear consequences for those who are disruptive towards their fellow pupils. Teachers should decide in the classroom and have a clear mandate to maintain order in lessons. Only then can pupils concentrate and feel secure.
Integration policy that ends exclusion
We have policies to deal with integration, ensure that more excluded people learn Swedish, enter the labour market and become part of society. Every citizen in our country, new and old, has the right to live in a safe area.
Focus on the Swedish language
The Swedish language is the key to entering Swedish society. We want to see language preschools for children of new arrivals and language tests for citizenship. More people should be able to learn Swedish at work, and new arrivals should receive Swedish and civic education from day one in Sweden. It is not possible to manage integration without a focus on the Swedish language.
Everyone who is able to should work
More vocational courses are needed for young people and new arrivals. We believe that it is better to obtain a first job, with slightly less pay, than to live on welfare. Everyone should have the opportunity to have a job, earn their own money and contribute to society.
Decisive action against honour culture
Honour-based oppression is affecting thousands of young girls and boys. Education and health care need to be better at combating oppression in the name of honour. The Liberals want to see a total prohibition on child and cousin marriage, as well as more severe penalties for those who commit crimes of honour.
More liberal policies
Technological solutions to save the climate. We believe that new technology and innovation are the key to managing climate adaptation. We want to build new nuclear power and we believe that polluting should cost.
Reduce taxes on working. It should pay to work and study. We need to reduce taxes so that ordinary people receive more in their wallets. it must always be more profitable to work than to live on welfare.
Yes to Europe. We believe that today’s challenges can only be resolved together. Dealing with transnational challenges within climate and migration, as well as climate change, demands more cooperation between Europe’s countries.
Save personal assistance. We are proud that we introduced the right to personal assistance for people who need it. You should have the right to your own life and your own freedom, regardless of whether you need help in your everyday life or not.